Knitting again and new favourite nail colour

Like the title clearly points out; I’ve picked up knitting again and have been absolutely loving it. Knitting for me is one of the best forms of therapy that I feel not many people know about, or not many people are willing to view it past its outdated presumption of something associated with grannies.

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For me knitting is a great way to unwind and find your creative side. Knitting can take us into a state of what psychologists call “flow”- an almost meditative trance where we’re fully motivated and engaged. Whenever I’m stressed I’ll pick up my knitting and within minutes my focus would shift from whatever it was that was bugging me or stressing me out to the calming repetitive movement of knitting itself. It is simply a great way to take your mind off some other toxic things you might have going on in your life.

Knitting aside, I’ve also been enjoying this new nail polish from Essie called “Stones n’ Roses“. As you can see it’s definitely a spring colour as I’m sure everybody have had enough of winter by now and like me, can’t wait for spring to arrive. Well at least we can safely say it is just around the corner and I’ve really been enjoying wearing this gorgeous orange pastel shade that just screams spring and summer and reminds me of beaches, flowers and green grass and warm days and plenty of sun (hopefully!).

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