Sigma F35 Tapered Highlighter Brush Review

sigma F35 tapered highlighter brush

sigma F35 tapered highlighter brush

sigma F35 tapered highlighter brush

I always love the idea of highlighter and have quite a few in my possession. But when it comes down to actually incorporating highlighter into my daily makeup routine, I have to admit I have been a bit slack. That’s because up until now I haven’t been able to find a brush that can apply highlighter the way that I want i.e. natural and luminous instead of garish and glitterball-esque.

Enters Sigma F35 tapered highlighter brush, which has literally reignited my love for highlighter once again. Never have I had such perfect highlight precision with any other brushes in my collection. Sigma F35 applies highlighter EXACTLY where I need it. It has the right shape and size with a tapered tip that fits perfectly along your cheekbone, the bridge of your nose and under your brow bone. It also has super soft bristles, which allows you to glide the product on effortlessly. Another great thing about Sigma F35 is that it picks up and distributes the right amount of product, without packing too much on, so you end up with a beautiful natural glow as opposed to resembling a disco ball.

Sigma F35 is also perfect for setting your under eye concealer, and the tapered tip can really get into the inner corner of your eyes. It also works great to give a very precise contour as it fits right into the hollow of your cheeks. But to be honest I love this brush the most for its highlighting ability, it’s by far ‘the best’ makeup brush that suits the purpose perfectly.

Sigma F35 retails at £24, which is quite a hefty pricetag, but I managed to get it on Feelunique at a bargain price of £15.85 (I’m not sure if this is an ongoing deal on Feelunique or if it’s just for limited period only). Another great product that I would highly, highly recommend.


  1. I use the Real Techniques Setting Brush for highlighter, as well as setting powder. I have two of them, actually!

    • Haha I also have two of the Real Techniques Setting Brush! I use them to set undereye concealer, although they are great for highlighter as well I suppposed. But Sigma F35 is still ‘the best’ for highlighter IMO. x

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